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Candy Kisses Bath Bomb

Candy Kisses Bath Bomb

  • Candy Kisses Mini bath-bombs 💜💗

    ✨ Bath bombs are a magical, exciting way to prepare your bath time for a soothing soak. These mini bath bombs are perfect to leave on the side of one's tub for a soothing blend of bubble and fragrance. There is no waiting around for a bath bomb to melt and activate, this bath bomb makes senses a lot like an air freshener for your bath time. It releases a
    psychedelic display of varying colors that froths and bubbles
    as it dissolves and disperses in water. The bath bomb also
    creates an explosion of scents from the essential oils and
    fragrances added to the mix. Get ready for luxurious spa at

    ✨Floral scented

    ✨Aroma Bath Bombs

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